The Boys Next Door

By Yeshiva College Dramatics Society (other events)

6 Dates Through Mar 26, 2015

The Boys Next Door is hilarious and tons of fun!  This situational comedy draws from the endearing, creative, and lovable personalities of our characters.  And yet these characters struggle with developmental and psychological disorders.  YCDS actors have indisputably risen to the challenge of portraying this highly senstiive topic and doing so through love and laughter.

In addition to the varied but significant struggles of the disabled community, this play features truly heartwarming personalities, singularly quirky and idiosyncratic behaviors, and emotionally rewarding relationships that form unexpectedly between people of vastly different cognitive abilities. 

The play uncovers aspects of human nature that alter our conceptions of who is weak and who is strong. It also poses serious questions about moral and logistical decisions concerning the care of individuals with mental disabilities. Those who rightly deserve aid rarely receive it in full measure.